Community Service

The Wright Legal Group, LLC is grounded in a mission to serve the community.

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Since 2014, Wright Legal has partnered with community organizations to produce the annual Summer Law Programs.

Umbrellaed under the non-profit organization, Master of My Fate, Inc., Summer Law Programs reach over 100 youth each summer to expose them to careers in law and government.  This initiative consists of three unique programs:

Lawyer Up! Summer Law Camp:

This program is designed for high school students interested in law, government and law enforcement. Students meet and interact with lawyers, judges and court staff to get a real world look into life in the law.  During the week long camp, participants learn trial work through a mock trial program which requires students to play lawyers and witnesses. They learn basic elements of trial from opening and closing statements to directing and cross examining witnesses. Parents are invited to serve as jurors for the final day trial.

Lawyer Up: Summer Law Camp

Law Day 4 Girls:

This program exposes Middle School Girls with a peek into the world of the business of the Government Center.   After a light breakfast, students tour the building learning about the Clerks Offices, Sheriff’s Office, Probate Court, State and Superior Courts. They hear from Department Heads, Clerks and Judges about careers in Law and Government.  Students also participate in a Mock Trial Exercise and have a Lunch Panel with local legal professional to learn about what it takes to go to Law School or become a legal professional.

Law Day 4 Girls

Law Day 4 Boys:

This program exposes Middle School Boys with a peek into the world of the business of the Government Center.   After a light breakfast, students tour the building learning about the Clerks Offices, Sheriff’s Office, Probate Court, State and Superior Courts. They hear from Department Heads, Clerks and Judges about careers in Law and Government.  Students also participate in a Mock Trial Exercise and have a Lunch Panel with local legal professional to learn about what it takes to go to Law School or become a legal professional.

Law Day 4 Boys

To learn more about Master of My Fate, Inc. visit:

Master of My Fate

Muscogee County Jail Project

Wright Legal was instrumental in starting this initiative to look into jail overcrowding and systemic problems inherent in incarcerations. Based on a similar program in Fulton county (the Fulton County Jail Project), community leaders partner with Columbus State University students to interview, examine and survey the jail population to compile much needed data for the chief judge of superior courts of the Chattahoochee Circuit and community stake holders with an effort to solve the problem of jail overcrowding and recidivisim.

The Wright Law Firm team at a community service event.

Other Events

Alpha Phi Alpha Delta Iota Lamda – 2011 MLK UNITY

Breakfast, Columbus, Ga

Pictured from left to right: Monique Gonzalez, Esq., Judge Hatchett, Katonga Wright, Esq. 

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